The Engineering issues in the top entities represent the case comments that have been added to the engineering tickets. They display the most significant comments added to the tickets for a specific customer. By selecting a top entity, you can view the status and priority of the associated tickets.
SupportLogic searches for engineering tickets that are attached and presents the case comments found in those support tickets in the Top Entities section.
The support tickets with case comments will be displayed as the top entities. The top entities only show the most important keywords extracted from the case comments, based on the shared ontology.
The selection of keywords to appear in the top entities is determined by the ontology list, and only those words present in the ontology will be shown in the user interface. These words are specifically defined and limited to what is included in the ontology.
Exporting top entities cases:
It is possible to download the list of cases when you select any of the top entities. You can then click on any chart and choose the option to export the cases as CSV. Please refer to the below screenshot

Adding a new chart to the Engineering issues:
It is indeed possible for you to configure this from your end. To add a chart, navigate to Control Center → Settings → User profiles → Locate the profile name and click on the three dots next to it.
From there, select "edit profile" and proceed to the Customer Insights section, where you can enter the customer name and scroll down below to add the desired chart. Once added, all users utilizing that profile will be able to see it.
For visual guidance on how charts can be added, we have provided an attached GIF video demonstration