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Virtual Queues Condition Syntax

Modified on Tue, 7 Jan at 12:53 PM


Virtual Queues provide the ability to route support cases from your CRM / System of Record based on any of the case fields or customer attributes available. Once defined, you can add detailed conditions for how the cases coming from your CRM / System of Record will be assigned.


By combining the logic-based workflows on case queues coming from your CRM and various case, agent and customer filters, Virtual Queues provide very specific cases and assign them to specific agents or support teams automatically or aid in manual case assignments. There are three components to configure for a Virtual Queue:
  • Case Filters = which cases to assign
  • Agent Filters = to whom the cases will be assigned
  • Settings = how SupportLogic should assign these cases

Virtual Queue Requirements

To enable Virtual Queues in your instance of SupportLogic, you will need to do the following:

  1. Ensure that Intelligent Case Assignment (ICA) is enabled.
  2. Configure Shifts for your agent teams.
  3. If you have not done so already, you should also create your Virtual Teams and Virtual Accounts as you may need these for steps 4 and 5.
  4. Create the logic conditions for each queue.
  5. Refine the case assignment filters and settings for each queue.

Case Assignment and Virtual Queues

Virtual Queues allows you to sub-divide the existing queues from your CRM into much more targeted routing queues for agent assignments. Combing routing logic and intelligent case assignments you can route cases from specific customers, from a specific regions, based on customer criteria and/or agent criteria automatically. 

FeatureDefinitionUse Case or Example
Case AssignmentAssignment queues are comprised of individual agents, Virtual Teams or Virtual Orgs used when manually assigning a case and by the auto-assign engine.

These are often named by the leader of a team or division, but are not required to be.

You can make them viewable, enable them for Auto assign or not. If you do not designate any of the Queues you create for Auto-assignment, you do have the ability to define a Virtual Team or Org separately. 
Case Assignment Queues impact Console, Case Assignments, Support Hub and the Keywords and Trends report.

You have an additional option to set the Backlog agent card view to sort by Status or Priority.
Virtual QueuesEither CRM or SupportLogic queues can be configured with Virtual Queue rules. A Virtual Queue is comprised filters based on Case Fields or Customers (including Virtual Accounts), recommended Teams or Individual Agents, with routing logic applied.

Routing logic drop-down options
Routing logic for a Virtual Queue is:

Always will always attempt to assign an agent to unassigned cases in this Queue, even if there are no matching agents available for assignment.

Never will never attempt to assign an agent to unassigned cases in this Queue. This may be used to prevent certain cases from being assigned automatically by SupportLogic under any circumstances.

Optional will always attempt to assign an agent to unassigned cases in this queue. If (and only if) there are no matching agents available for assignment, assignment will proceed without this queue as a requirement.

Do Nothing will ignore this Queue when assigning cases. It will be effectively disabled.

Creating a Virtual Queue

The process to create a Virtual Queue is wizard driven and can be completed in four steps..sort of*:

1. Name and describe your Virtual Queue.

2. Select the CRM Queue or Queues cases will be routed from.

3. Filter the cases based on case fields and values that you select.

4. Identify which customers are appropriate for that Queue.

Once created, determine if you want to "Auto Assign" cases to your newly created queue. You will need to configure the auto-assignment rules which is covered in  and define the settings for it. 

* Review the section below on Virtual Queue Condition Statements before you hit Save!

Virtual Queue Example

Some organizations have complex requirements for case / ticket routing. For example, if your organization's support team is divided both by region and by language, you may need to create very specific conditions for case routing. 

To make the example simple, let's focus on two regions: A and B--assuming your CRM already has queues divided by region (A, B, C, D and so on...). 

Your customers and agents for region A only speak Glossolalio; whereas your customers and agents from region speak Sanskrit, but you don't have your agents' language skills setup in your CRM. So you will use a Virtual Queue in SupportLogic to address this problem by doing the following:

  1. Create two Virtual Teams: Glossolalio Agents and Sanskrit Agents.
  2. You configure your CRM queues under Assignment Queues for regions A and B.
  3. Next, you create a Virtual Queue that routes all tickets from region A to your Glossolalio Agents.
  4. Then create another Virtual Queue that routes all tickets from region B to your Sanskrit Agents.
  5. Finally, you enable auto-assignment rules for both Virtual Queues and voila, you are now automatically routing your tickets to agents that can understand and support them!

Virtual Queue Condition Statements

The use of brackets correctly is very important when you have complex rules for case routing. Let's look at a an example with case properties to see why. 

In the table below, we have listed the criteria required for cases to be routed to our Hardware and Integration Support Team that covers North America:

Parameter Type Property I Property II
CRM QueueSFDC3234SFDC2218
North America
Product Category

How you create the logical statement that combines the parameters and properties matters. 

In particular, the user of brackets is essential!

However, since there could be any number of combinations of how you want to include or exclude specific parameter types and properties, the SupportLogic Virtual Queue Wizard cannot add the brackets for the logical conditions automatically. After all, we are not prestidigitators. But you need to add the brackets that group your CRM queues together versus your Case fields versus your Customers.

Incorrect Statement Syntax

By default, the Virtual Queue Creation Wizard will list the parameters and properties you have selected, see below:

Within logical condition statements "and" is greedy for its neighbors. So, without the use of brackets the statement above indicates:

  • Route all cases coming from SFDC3234 
  • OR all cases coming from SFDC2218 + Region of North America + Category of Hardware 
  • OR all cases of the Category of Integrations

SFDC3234 or SFDC2218 and NA and Hardware or Integrations

The syntax for the statement by default is NOT the result we want for this Virtual Queue as it is too broad, allowing for ANY case coming from SFDC3234 and ANY case of the category of Integrations, or cases from Queue SFDC2218 of North America and of the category of Hardware.

Correct Statement Syntax

Brackets are your friend! Use the Add brackets ( ) button, then click and drag the brackets into the appropriate location(s).

By adding in three bracket pairs, we can get the results that we wanted. See the statement below:

This statement tells SupportLogic to route only those cases that:

  • Come from either SFDC3234 OR SFDC2218  
  • AND that are of the Region of North America  
  • AND are in the Category of Hardware OR Integrations

Conditions Syntax

This is a much more specific and restrictive condition statement for routing cases to a particular team. The location of the brackets makes a huge difference on which cases will be routed to whom for this Virtual Queue.

Exclude Option

In addition to using proper AND / OR syntax, you also have the ability to EXCLUDE cases based on any of the parameters or properties selected. Use the drop-down icon next to and | or:

and, or, exclude


For example, if your organization has tiered support offerings and a special team dedicated to your GOLD and PLATINUM accounts, you might need exclude their cases from the Virtual Queue defined above. To do so:

  1. Just add the "exclude" option.
  2. Select the Account | Virtual account | Virtual group | Individual reporter needed.
  3. Then Add brackets ( ) .
  4. Click and drag the brackets into the appropriate location, shown below:

This statement tells SupportLogic to route only those cases that:

  • Come from either SFDC3234 OR SFDC2218  
  • AND that are of the Region of North America  
  • AND are in the Category of Hardware OR Integrations
  • BUT EXCLUDE any cases for customers in our GOLD or PLATINUM support tier

Get as creative as you need when constructing these conditions statements. Just remember to add your brackets to group the parameters for your statement together correctly!

Congratulations! you are now a Virtual Queue aficionado!

Virtual Queue Statement Building General Guidelines

Here are a couple of quick tips that should save you a lot of frustration. When building complex Virtual Queues:

  1. Start with a table and make sure you list all of the Queues and Case Property requirements.
  2. In general, you should include brackets around each parameter type. It's OK to include them even if you only have one parameter value.
  3. Do not mix different parameter types within a bracket pair. In the example above, we would not combine ( Region: North America and Category: Hardware or Category: Integrations ).
  4. Always double-check the syntax for your logical statements. Better yet, have someone else proof what you have scripted!

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